Week 8
ABCD: Culture and Environment Assessments
This lecture includes a description of culture and environment measures and group membership, proximal social environment, social interactions, and variations in assessments across time points.
ReproNim: Data Versioning and Tranformation with DataLad
This lecture includes a description of why data should be versioned, DataLad, and rerunning and checking analysis differences.
Raul Gonzalez (he/him)
Adina Wagner (she/her)
YouTube Lecture | Slides
YouTube Lecture | Slides
Loeber et al.: 'A brief validated screen to identify boys and girls at risk for early marijuana use'
Zucker et al.: 'Assessment of culture and environment in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study: Rationale, description of measures, and early data'
Preventing Stigmatizing Research
A Brief Overview of DataLad
DataLad Cheat Sheet
DataLad - Decentralized Management of Digital Objects for Open Science (Video)
Datalad ABCD Handbook
Week 8 Data Exercise
Week 8 Solutions