ABCD-ReproNim Leadership Team
Angie Laird
Professor of Physics
Florida International University
Miami, FL, USA
Dr. Laird is a physicist and cognitive neuroscientist with 20 years of experience in fMRI research. Dr. Laird is a site PI for the ABCD Study and serves as a member on the ABCD WorkGroups on Image Acquisition and Informatics. Her research program focuses on developing neuroinformatics and meta-analysis methods and tools, with an emphasis on improving network analysis strategies.
David Kennedy
Professor of Psychiatry
UMass Medical School
Worcester, MA, USA
Dr. Kennedy is a physicist and computer scientist with more than 30 years of experience in neuroscience application of neuroimaging technologies. He is the Program Director of a NIBIB-funded Biomedical Technology Research Center (BTRC) entitled ReproNim: A Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation and the founder of the Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC).
Satra Ghosh
Principal Research Scientist
McGovern Institute @MIT
Boston, MA, USA
Dr. Ghosh is a computer scientist and a computational neuroscientist with over 20 years of experience in neuroimaging, machine learning, and software engineering. He is a lead architect and PI of the Nipype dataflow platform, a co-PI of DANDI, the new BRAIN Initiative archive for cellular neurophysiology data, and also the Director of Data Models and Integration project of ReproNim.
JB Poline
Assoc. Professor of Neurology
McGill University
Montreal, CA
Dr. Poline is an expert in neuroimaging analyses and imaging genetics. He has worked in developing analysis methods for fMRI and genetic data, meta-analysis tools, as well as teaching neuroimaging data analysis in Python. He chairs the neuroimaging data sharing task force of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF).