Week 7
ABCD: Demographic, Physical, and Mental Health Assessments
This lecture includes a description of the demographic information, physical battery, mental health battery, parent assessments and teacher reports, minimization of participant and family burden, and variation in assessments across time points.
ReproNim: Scientific Questions and Statistical Issues
This lecture includes a description of effect size and variation of effect sizes in brain imaging, statistical power, model selection, and positive predictive value.
Deanna Barch (she/her)
JB Poline (he/him)
YouTube Lecture | Slides
YouTube Lecture | Slides
Barch et al.: 'Demographic, physical and mental health assessments in the adolescent brain and cognitive development study: Rationale and description'
Karcher and Barch: 'The ABCD Study: Understanding the development of risk for mental and physical health outcomes'
Poldrack et al.: 'Scanning the horizon: towards transparent and reproducible neuroimaging research'
Button et al.: 'Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience'
Yarkoni and Westfall: 'Choosing prediction over explanation in psychology: Lessons from machine learning'
Week 7 Data Exercise
Week 7 Solutions