Week 5
ABCD: Neurocognitive Assessments
This lecture includes a description and rationale for the neurocognitive battery, including measures of intelligence, cognitive control, and reward, methodological considerations, and variations in assessments across time points.
ReproNim: FAIR Data/Semantic Markup 1
This lecture includes a description of FAIR, implementing FAIR principles, web of data and linked data, and data publishing.
Susan Tapert (she/her)
Maryann Martone (she/her)
YouTube Lecture | Slides
YouTube Lecture | Slides
Thompson et al.: 'The structure of cognition in 9 and 10 year-old children and associations with problem behaviors: Findings from the ABCD study's baseline neurocognitive battery'
Data and the FAIR Principles
Wilkinson et al.: 'The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship'
Week 5 Data Exercise
Week 5 Solutions