Week 2
ABCD: Data Access, NDA, and DEAP
This lecture includes a description of the DAIRC, data access, and NDA, as well as DEAP access and use, and site and vendor effects.
ReproNim: Git & Basics
This lecture includes a description of the command line/shell, version control systems and git, and package managers and distributions.
Wes Thompson (he/him)
Dorota Jarecka (she/her)
YouTube Lecture | Slides
YouTube Lecture | Slides
Dick et al.: 'Meaningful Effects in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study'
Introducing Shell (Part 1)
Software Carpentry on Unix: Read at least one section of Parts 2 - 7
'A Git Parable'
Week 2 Data Exercise
Week 2 Solutions
Week 2 DEAP Data Exercise