Week 1
ABCD: Introduction to the ABCD Study®
This lecture includes a description of the ABCD Study design and objectives, organizational units, and the protection of human subjects.
ReproNim: Introduction to ReproNim
This lecture includes a description of the reproducibility problem, re-executability at the publication level, and an introduction to the reprostack.
Angie Laird (she/her)
David Kennedy (he/him)
2020 YouTube Lecture | Slides
2022 YouTube Lecture | Slides
YouTube Lecture | Slides
Volkow et al.: 'The conception of the ABCD study: From substance use to a broad NIH collaboration'
Jernigan et al.: 'Introduction (Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience)'
Auchter et al.: 'A description of the ABCD organizational structure and communication framework'
Kennedy et al.: 'Everything Matters: The ReproNim Perspective on Reproducible Neuroimaging'
Munafo et al.: 'A manifesto for reproducible science'
Week 1 Data Exercise
Week 1 Solutions